What I can help with:

  • IBS symptom management and the low FODMAP diet

  • General gut health, including managing constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, food intolerances & sensitivities

  • Weight loss & weight management

  • Nutrition advice for mental health

  • Nutrition advice for chronic diseases e.g. heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure

  • Nutrition for women’s health

  • General healthy eating advice

Further Information

  • Initial Appointment - 45-50 minutes

    Your first appointment is a comprehensive nutrition & lifestyle assessment to deep-dive into the root cause of your problems. Our aim in this appointment is to work out how we can best help you achieve your goals in a sustainable way. We will chat through your health and nutrition goals, your history, and work together to create a handful of do-able strategies to implement and get you back on track to living life to the fullest.

    Review Appointment - 30 minutes

    In this appointment, we’ll check in on how you’ve been progressing with the individualised goals and strategies we discussed in our first consult. We will continue to implement changes over time until you reach your goals. I’ll provide ongoing support and ensure these changes stick around for the long-term and troubleshoot any hurdles you may have. Depending on your situation and my professional opinion, you may require more or less review appointments.

  • Initial Appointment (50 minutes)


    Plus a meal guide: $180

    Review Appointment (30 minutes)



    To be eligible for a Medicare rebate, you must have a current Chronic Disease Management Plan (Item no. 10954 - Dietetics Services) from your GP. You’ll need to check that this plan has allocated visits to a dietitian and ensure it is referred directly to me, Victoria Lekkas - Dietitian, to be able to make your claim. Find my referral information down in the last dropbox titled ‘Referral Information for GP Plans’.

    You will need to process the rebate yourself after your appointment - but don’t worry, it’s super easy and takes less than 2 minutes, and I’m here to help! Information on how to process your rebate and receive $60.35 back can be found on your invoice, sent to you after our appointment.

    Private Health Insurance

    If you have Private Health Insurance, the good news is that most Private Health funds cover dietitian appointments! However, the amount of cover will differ between insurers and is dependant on your level of cover. Therefore, it is recommended to contact your Private Health fund prior to your appointment with me if you are hoping to claim Private Health after our consult so you can know exactly how much you are eligible to claim, and how you can process the claim after our appointment.

  • Direct Deposit

    Payments are made via direct deposit and are required before your consultation is scheduled. Instructions on how to make payment can be found in the 'Client Information Sheet' sent to your email prior to your first appointment.

  • Please kindly cancel or change your appointment with at least 24 hours notice. Failure to do so will incur a fee of 50% of your appointment price.

    You are able to cancel or change your appointment online. This can be accessed via the initial confirmation email you received upon booking your appointment.

    I understand that in some circumstances, providing notice may not be possible. In this case, please reach out to me at dietitianvictoria@outlook.com

  • I currently consult Monday - Friday across the afternoon and evening, and Saturday mornings.

  • When your GP is creating your Enhanced Care Plan or Eating Disorder Treatment Plan, they will ask you for my clinic details. This allows me to be placed as your designated dietitian on your plan, and for you to get rebated dietitian consultations with me.

    Here is all the information your GP will need:

    Practice Name: Victoria Lekkas - Dietitian

    Location: Reservoir, VIC, 3073

    Email: dietitianvictoria@outlook.com

    Clinician: Victoria Lekkas (6324851L)

    Medicare plans can be emailed to me at dietitianvictoria@outlook.com by either your GP clinic or by yourself.

Any questions before we get started?

Get in touch.